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Eco Friendly Activities in the Trekking

Eco-Friendly Activities

Eco-Friendly Activities, Trekking helps in understanding nature and the environment carefully, people often misunderstand trekking as the reason for degradation but it helps in a better understanding of the natural environment.
People get more aware of the problems and harmful activities performed which is the reason for the decline. These issues can only be resolved when people have accurate knowledge and understanding of the problems.

Maintaining the balance of Nature is necessary

 From the time we started, we have opted for Eco-Friendly Activities trekking because the protection of the environment and maintaining the balance of nature is our responsibility. Some people are polluting and harming the environment knowingly or unknowingly which has an adverse effect on it. Stop every activity which is harming the environment in some or the other way,
Mountains are sensitive to human activities and we should respect and be thankful to nature for everything which a human needs to survive. Everybody has a desire to explore the new areas and find tranquillity in places but every move you make affects the environment. So here are some steps you can take to maintain the balance on a trek.


Things you can do on a trek to maintain the dignity of Nature

Proper Waste Management

For Eco-Friendly Activities The waste generated during the journey should segregated, then managed properly and disposed of.
Try to reduce the waste as much as you can, reuse the things which can recycle, it is necessary to manage waste properly to prevent degradation of the environment.
Bring reusable items and water bottles on any trek, plastic bottles do not decompose and are a big threat to the environment.

Clean up the places

Whichever place you visit make sure you leave it clean, people in India do not care about throwing the waste and its impacts. There polluted water bodies, forest areas, cities, and mountains, but it is our responsibility to clean them.
While on your trek carry an eco-bag where you can put all the trash and collect all the waste which you find on the trail and around the area.

Leave No Trace

It is a Wilderness Rule that nobody should know that you went to the forest, whatever you took with you should come back with you and the natural places should not be harmed in any way and leave the places in a good condition than before. This is the best way by which the waste can be reduced.
Eco Friendly Activities

Support Local People

For Eco -Friendly Activities – Sustainable Trekking and Tourism is very important for growth and to improve the conditions. Local companies should support because it helps you and the local person too, it is a way to earn a livelihood and you can build good connections with them.
Do not buy packed items instead spend the amount on local food and local things from stores. They arrange treks in a way that preserves nature so supporting them directly means supporting the environment.

Be a Motivation for others

Be the change and start these activities eventually others follow you. Share your experiences and Eco-Friendly Activities methods with others (family, friends, etc.) Exchange ideas with each other and correct them in their faults to prevent the damage.
You soon see the changes, one person can make all the difference, be that one person and contribute to the protection because by spreading knowledge to people is one way which can reduce the degradation.
Eco Friendly Activities

We organize Environment for Eco-Friendly Activities.

 Our motive is organizing “Sustainable Environment Camps” is to preserve and support the environment.
People unknowingly harm it by some activities, we spread information and awareness about conserving the natural resources and environment-friendly techniques of management and disposal of waste.
 To save the places we conduct campaigns like cleaning the waste from local villages and trails, in these campaigns villagers are also included.
 The leftover food wasted and the waste is not littered anywhere, we carry eco-bags with us on every trek in which the waste is kept, any waste seen on the trails or anywhere is collected.
Some methods of eco-friendly trekking are the safe disposal of waste, segregation, collection, responsible sightseeing, not disturbing the wildlife, etc.
 We follow the rule of “Leave No Trace”. By opting eco-friendly trekking we are encouraging others to do the same by conducting awareness programs.
 Plantation of trees, they ecologically balance the environment.
By planting more trees we are supporting the ecosystem because it is a habitat of some animals and birds.
They absorb some harmful gases like carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and carbon dioxide, it releases oxygen.
Also Read About – Himalayas

What did we do in Eco-Friendly Activities

 People are made aware of the problems faced in their daily lives. They told about the conservation of resources and how to prevent environmental degradation.
 We tell about the opportunities for the girls and how women are excelling in every field to motivate the girl child living in remote villages.
 Cleanliness programs conducted in which the areas are cleaned and the waste is collected.
 We tell people about stopping bad activities that degrade the atmosphere. People unknowingly do such activities which are harmful and damage the environment.
 Conservation of natural resources.
 Villagers are told about maintaining the balance of the environment and being eco-friendly to preserve nature.
 Motivation is given so that they can further pass the information and stop the wrong practices attempted by others.
 Plantation of trees wherever we can for habitat and food of animals and absorption of harmful gases.

Nature is the epitome of beauty

Solve environmental issues whether it’s on a mountain or in urban or rural areas. You have a lot to explore and exploring the beauty of places makes you protect the climate and adopt eco-friendly practices.
Eco Friendly Activities
“Do not cause any harm to nature, it has always been the giver and has never asked for anything in return. Harming it means causing harm to our parents.” 


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